Monday, August 12, 2013


   Many of you are familiar with the site Backpage. If you have had any experience with posting with this site, you are likely very aware of the fact that they will rip you off faithfully, and just not care. You can post an ad and within the next hour, it is gone, ghosted from the site. I find this very frustrating. Another thing that often happens is that you paid for an ad, enter your credit card information, and you will not see your ad posted, ever. Yet, they still take the money and act like they have posted your ad, when in reality, it never went up. This, along with other things, have been the inspiration for my blog today.
    One site I've found recently that is 100% the most honest and reliable site that I've had experience with is Body Rub USA. This is probably the first site I've come across that actually does what it says it will when it comes to posting up your ads. This is an extremely affordable site, that will get you the traffic and the views you need. Plus, you can post your link to your own site in your ad, something Backpage doesn't want or allow you to because they hate competition, no matter how large or small it is. It only costs $50 for one month top ad position, or $100 for 90 days to post one ad on Body Rub USA, and they also accept all major credit and debit cards, and Paypal. You can also find massage reviews here.
    They also have other cool options, such as the top ad position. If you've used backpage's top ad position, you know that they will just keep posting on top of your ad until you are completely gone off of that position. Whereas, on Body Rub USA when you buy top ad position, you will stay in that position until the amount of time you bought it for is up, whether it be a week, a month, 6 months, or a year. There are only 5 positions available in each city and state, and once they are gone, nobody can ever replace you till your time runs out. Top ad is what really works because you're always there and it's a great way to build your client list because your ad is one of the first people they will call. It will bring  you a higher closing rate. It costs $25 per month for one of these prime positions. But, if you buy in bulk you get discounts.
  One really awesome thing you can do is share eachothers ads on this site, with other sites and get ad credits built up so you literally have to pay nothing, besides sharing. All it takes is a few minutes of time, and you can get your credits credited to your account within 24 hours.
   You can also upload and embed your YouTube videos right into your ad, so your potential clients can play it right along with reading your ad. I hope you have found this article helpful!